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ENM Law News: Second-Time DUI Offender Receives Reduced Sentence

by | Mar 5, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Second time DUI offenders are often facing a mandatory 90 day jail sentence. In Berks County the Second Time Offender Program (STOP) allows defendants to reduce their mandatory jail sentences by serving a portion of their sentence on electronic monitoring or in a halfway house. However, admission to the STOP program is not guaranteed. Typically, if a defendant is denied admission to the STOP program, then he must serve the entirety of his mandatory sentence in jail. One of our recent clients was charged with a second-offense DUI and was denied admission to the STOP program. Instead of the client having to serve 90 days in the Berks County Prison, our DUI attorneys obtained a sentence for the client wherein he served 85 days on electronic monitoring and only 5 days in prison. If you’ve been charged with a DUI, our Reading DUI attorneys would like to help you. Call us at 610-372-5128 or submit your case using the “Ask an attorney” link.



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