This morning I represented a client charged with a second offense DUI in Reading, PA. Under Pennsylvania’s DUI sentencing law an individual charged with a second DUI within ten years faces a 90 day mandatory prison sentence if the BAC at the time of the DUI was above a .16. In Berks County a special program, known commonly as STOP, has been created for the benefit and rehabilitation of offenders.
This particular case involved a rather high BAC as well as a single vehicle accident. After consulting with my client initially several months ago, we made the determination to begin the STOP application process. Today, several months later, he formally entered a plea and was sentenced to the term of the program. Rather than a 90 day jail sentence he received 5 days in jail and the additional 85 days on house arrest with supervised release to follow. Additionally, he will be able to take advantage of ongoing treatment and counseling as directed.
If you or a loved one is facing a second or third DUI in Berks County, Pennsylvania please contact our office to discuss the options. I have successfuly represented over a hundred people who have taken advantage of either the STOP or DUI Treatment Court program in Berks County over the last 6 years. Call now for a no cost consultation.