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No Points on CDL Driver’s License in PA Turnpike Speeding case

by | Aug 17, 2011 | Criminal Law |

Today I represented a CDL driver who had been clocked at 17 mph over the speed limit in a work zone in on the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Berks County. Under Title 75, the Pennsylvania vehicle code, he could have faced an automatic 15 day suspension based on the work zone violation.

In the end the trooper agreed to reduce the citation to 5 mph over, which is a zero point offense. I was able to cite my client’s clean driver’s history and a series of other mitigating factors to warrant the break that I was asking for.

If you are a CDL driver or Pennsylvania motorist charged with a traffic violation in Berks County, PA you should seek legal counsel for your case. I have successfuly represented hundreds of Pennsylvania drivers charged with violations of the vehicle code ranging from speeding tickets to Homicide by DUI. Your operating privilege may be at stake as a result of your traffic citation. You need an experienced Berks County traffic attarney to advocate for your interests. Call my office today for a free consultation.



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