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Felony Charges Dismissed at Preliminary Hearing

by | Sep 29, 2011 | Criminal Law |

Just this past week, attarney Ryan McAllister represented a client at a preliminary hearing in Berks County district court who was charged with Fleeing and Eluding, 75 Pa.C.S.A. 3733, and Driving under the Influence, 75 Pa.C.S.A. 3802. attarney McAllister met with our client in advance of the hearing date to create a strategy on how to successfuly fight the charges.

At the hearing, the police officer involved in the case testified that he did turn on his lights and siren in an attempt to pull over our client. However, attarney McAllister was able to demonstrate through cross-examination that the officer did not have his lights and sirens on for the entire time that the officer was pursuing our client. In fact, although the officer was following our client for some time, our client did, in fact, pull over into a parking lot shortly after the officer activated the lights and siren on the police car. Therefore, attarney McAllister was able to convince the Judge that the Fleeing and Eluding charge should be dismissed.

Now, as the case moves forward, our client is only facing the remaining misdemeanor DUI charge instead of the more serious felony charge. Our client is extremely happy with the outcome, and he is now looking towards fighting the rest of the case in the Berks County Court of Common Pleas.

If you or someone you know has been charged with Drinking and Driving (DUI) or a related offense, please contact us today at 610-372-5128. As you can see from this case, it pays to get an attarney involved in a criminal case right from the start. The initial consultation in a criminal case is always free, and one of our three (3) attarneys is always happy to discuss your case in more detail.



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