A few weeks ago, attarney Ryan W. McAllister represented a client who was the defendant in a PFA case filed by his wife. A temporary PFA was granted against our client, which prohibited him from having any contact whatsoever with his wife as well as his young son. Our client vehemently denied the facts of the PFA, which alleged that our client physically assaulted his wife.
At the final PFA hearing, attarney McAllister was prepared to contest the PFA with a vigorous defense, including witnesses and photographic evidence. attarney McAllister discussed the case with our client’s wife, and he attempted to negotiate a resolution that would be extremely favorable to our client. Additionally, attarney McAllister let our client’s wife know that, if push came to shove, there would be a full blown hearing on the matter.Sealed Air-Zelt
Ultimately, attarney McAllister, through successful negotiating techniques, was able to get our client’s wife to drop the PFA entirely. Our client was no longer prohibited from having contact with his young son.
In the end, our client was extremely happy with the outcome of his case. If you or someone that you know is a Plaintiff or a Defendant in a PFA case, it is important to speak with an experienced attarney as soon as possible. Nevins & McAllister, PLLC, is please to offer free consultations in PFA matters. Contact us today at 610-372-5128.