Last week attarney Ryan W. McAllister represented a young Kutztown University student who was charged with felony burglary, 18 Pa.C.S.A. 3502(a), felony criminal trespass, 18 Pa.C.S.A. 3503(a)(1)(i), and misdemeanor theft by unlawful taking, 18 Pa.C.S.A. 3921(b). Our client was charged with taking some items of clothing from another university student, and, in order to take those items of clothing, our client allegedly went into another student’s dorm room without permission. Since our client went into another student’s dorm room “without permission”, the university police charged out client with felony burglary and felony criminal trespass, in addition to theft by unlawful taking.
This was a case that could have potentially had dire consequences for our client. A felony conviction would not only become part of our client’s permanent record, but it would also result in a long prison sentence. Neither of these were acceptable options for our client, who was a bright college student with her entire future ahead of her.
After discussing and researching the facts of the case with our client, attarney McAllister decided the best course of action in this case would be the ARD (Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition) Program. Although this special first-time offender program is usually reserved for misdemeanor cases, attarney McAllister began negotiating and pressing for the ARD Program at the preliminary hearing. Based on all of the relevant factors in the case, attarney McAllister was able to get our client placed on the ARD Program for the misdemeanor theft charge. attarney McAllister was able to get the prosecution to withdraw the two (2) felonies.
Ultimately, our client will be eligible to receive a full dismissal and expungement of her entire case after successfuly completing the ARD Program. After the program is over, our client will be able to move on with her life without worrying about the effect that a conviction would have had on her future. She is very happy with the outcome of her case, and she is looking forward to putting this unfortunate incident behind her.
If you or someone you know has been charged with a criminal offense in Reading, Pennsylvania, or Berks County, Pennsylvania, please contact our office as soon as possible at 610-372-5128. We always offer free consultations in criminal matters, and it is critical to speak with an experienced criminal defense attarney prior to speaking with law enforcement. It could be the most important call that you make.