Today, I (attarney Dan Nevins) represented a young man facing a PFA petition following an alleged incident in Berks County PA. The Protection from Abuse (PFA) Act is meant to protect victims of domestic violence from their abusers. A plaintiff can petition the Court for a temporary order which may be granted pending a full hearing on the alleged incident of abuse. A PFA order may then be granted for a period of up to three years and include provisions such as no-contact, eviction from a residence, child custody, and a ban from possessing firearms. A plaintiff needs to show, by a preponderance of the evidence, that abuse occurred and that they remain in fear of the Defendant.
In this particular case we were able to negotiate the one month continuance of a temporary order with the understanding that the matter would be ultimately dismissed. In the end, my client suffered no adverse consequences of a permanent PFA order.
Our firm regularly represents individuals on both sides of PFA’s in Berks County, PA. We are sensitive to the issues surrounding these matters and strive to provide the best possible representation of your interests. Call our office today to schedule a free initial consultation.