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how to gain your ex

by | Jun 15, 2012 | Criminal Law |

If ex broke up with me after one argument strung me along for months What does that mean and how to get back with my boyfriend or broken relationships that need my ex back. how to make an ex want you back how to get my ex girlfriend back, How to win you girlfriend back, etc. 

how to gain your ex
attarney Ryan W. McAllister recently represented a client at a Berks County District Court who was charged with Loitering and Prowling at Night Time, 18 Pa.C.S.A. 5506, a Misdemeanor Offense, and Harassment, 18 Pa.C.S.A. 2709, a Summary Offense. Based on the Misdemeanor Charge, our client was looking at maximum of 1 year in Berks County Prison and a fine of up to $2,500.00. Our client could have also faced a probationary period of up to 1 year.

At the hearing, however, attarney McAllister

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negotiated to get the Misdemeanor Charge dismissed. In exchange, our client plead guilty to the Summary Offense of Harassment. Our client received no jail time, no probation, and a small fines of only $200.00. In the event our client would have been found guilty of the Misdemeanor Charges, he would have paid over ten (10) times that amount in court costs and fines.

Our client was very happy with the outcome of his case. If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges in Reading or Berks County, please contact Nevins & McAllister, PLLC, at 610-372-5128 to setup a no-cost case analysis with one of our three (3) experienced criminal defense attarneys. It could be one of the most important calls that you make!



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