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Gun Charges Withdrawn at Preliminary Hearing

by | Jul 31, 2012 | Criminal Law |

attarney Ryan W. McAllister recently represented a client who was charged with Persons Not To Possess Firearms, 18 Pa.C.S.A. 6105. Our client was involved in a highly contested custody and divorce case, and he was the defendant in a protection from abuse (PFA) case that his wife had filed against him. attarney McAllister was not involved in the custody, divorce, and PFA case; he was, however, retained after our client was charged with this criminal case.

Our client was charged for allegedly possessing a “weapon / firearm” in violation of the PFA that our client’s wife had filed against him. After attarney McAllister researched the relevant caselaw and read through the very specific terms of the PFA, he realized that the District attarney’s Office would not be able to prove the charges against our client.

At the preliminary hearing in Berks County District Court, attarney McAllister approached the prosecution before the hearing and made his arguments known. The argument was so compelling that the District attarney’s Office did not even attempt to argue the case before the Judge. Rather, the District attarney’s Office agreed to withdraw the charges against our client.

Our client was very happy with the outcome of his case. If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges in Reading or Berks County, contact our office right away at 610-372-5128 for a no-cost consultation. One of our experienced attarneys will be more than happy to sit down and discuss your case in detail.



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