Attorney Dan Nevins recently represented a college student charged with allegations of armed robbery in Berks County, PA. Armed Robbery carries with it a 5 year mandatory term of imprisonment in Pennsylvania.
In this particular case the client was alleged to have conspired with two other males to attempt a robbery in a college dorm room. One of the individuals brandished a firearm and a physical struggle with the alleged victims ensued. Police were unable to crack the case quickly and instead looked to our client as a suspect. Police filed charges and our client was jailed in lieu of large amount of bail.
The case for the Commonwealth began to fall apart at the Preliminary Hearing when both “victims” contradicted the statements that had supposedly given to Police. Despite this fact the District Judge held the case for court. Fortunately, our client’s bail was reduced and his family was able to post.
Attorney Nevins filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in the Berks County Court of Common Pleas based on the lack of evidence elicited by the Commonwealth. Ultimately, and after several months of pending litigation, the Commonwealth conceded the position and moved to withdraw the charges.