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ENM Law News: Client Not Guilty of Abandoning a Vehicle

by | Feb 5, 2016 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Following a guilty verdict at a summary hearing in front of a Magisterial District Judge in Berks County for the charge of Abandonment of Vehicles, Attorney Ebner filed a summary appeal on her client’s behalf. A summary appeal is a new hearing in front of a Berks County Common Pleas Judge. Summary appeals must be filed within 30 days of the guilty verdict from the MDJ. At the summary appeal hearing, Attorney Ebner argued that her client could not be guilty of the charge because the alleged victim possessed the title to the car. The Common Pleas Judge agreed and the charge was dismissed at the appeal hearing. The client avoided a summary conviction and a $500 fine.

If you’ve been found guilty of a summary offense and wish to file a summary appeal in Berks County, you need an experienced attorney to represent you. Call our lawyers today at 610-372-5128 or email us at [email protected]



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