You probably spend more time shopping in the winter months, so you should be aware of how stores deter people from shoplifting. Sometimes store employees will catch a person in the act of taking an item without paying for it, but there are times when an innocent...
Responsive Representation
Restoring Hope
Attorneys Dedicated To Calming The Crisis
Month: December 2021
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Penalties that can arise due to back child support
Whether you recently lost your job or you face financial uncertainty as a result of a health crisis, you need to make sure that you fulfill your obligations if you owe child support. Falling behind on child support can result in a number of penalties that have the...
A first-offense DUI charge and the ARD program option
In Pennsylvania, the penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) are steep, even for a first offender, and a conviction can sideline your plans for the future. The ARD program is an option the court may approve as long as you meet the requirements. What...