In Pennsylvania, judges try to stick to conclusive facts when making custody decisions. Strong documentation can help prove a parent’s ability to provide a stable, safe, and loving home, making a difference in the outcome of a case. What to document Keeping track of...
Responsive Representation
Restoring Hope
Attorneys Dedicated To Calming The Crisis
Month: January 2025
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Can you get a DUI for taking prescription drugs?
Many people assume that DUI laws only apply to alcohol. However, in Pennsylvania, you can face charges of driving under the influence while impaired by prescription drugs. Pennsylvania law prohibits operating a vehicle if any substance, including a legally prescribed...
How can grandparents petition for visitation in Pennsylvania?
Grandparents are an important part of a child’s life. But when family issues come up, staying connected can get harder. In Pennsylvania, there are specific laws that allow grandparents to ask for visitation or partial custody of their grandchildren. When can...