This morning I represented a young man who was allegedly involved in a domestic altercation in Berks County PA. Fortunately, given the circumstances, I was able to secure for him an ARD disposition.
ARD (Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition) is a special program for first time offenders. By participating in this program individuals can earn an dismissal of their criminal charges as well as an expungement of the record. Additionally, there is no admission or finding of guilt – you are simply asking the court for the opportunity to earn a dismissal of the case. Typically, you will also be asked to perform community service and perhaps participate in treatment or classes, depending on the allegations.zorb balls
Our law firm has represented hundreds of individuals in Berks County that have sought admission into the ARD program. It is important that you have an experienced attarney on your side to guide you through the application process and ultimately negotiate a favorable ARD admission on your behalf. If you or a loved one is facing a first time criminal offense in Berks County, PA please contact our office for a free initial consultation.