Yesterday I represented a motorist facing a mandatory 60 day prison sentence along with a 1 year license suspension. He had been charged with Driving Under a Suspended License - DUI Related under Section 1543(b) of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code. A conviction under...
Restoring Hope
Month: March 2012
Client Avoids State Prison Sentence for Probation Violation
Last week I represented a client charged with violating his special probation in Pennsyvlvania as a result of a felony charge out of New Jersey. As a result of the violation the Commonwealth was asking the Judge to resentence our client to an additional 1 to 2 years...
Client Avoids State Prison with a Sentence of House Arrest
I (attarney Dan Nevins) recently represented a client charged with Robbery in Berks County, Pennsylvania. It was alleged that he had passed a threatening note to a bank teller demanding money which she then turned over to him. The unique thing about the case was that...
how to win your ex boyfriend back
how to get your girlfriend back andhow to win back a woman orI Want My Ex Boyfriend Back Get Ex Back Get My Boyfriend Backhow to bring my ex girlfriend back, how to get your girlfriend back, etc. The other week attarney Ryan W. McAllister represented a client in Berks...
Client Saved from 60 days in Jail and 1 Year License Suspension
attarney Dan Nevins represented a Kutztown University student charged with Driving Under a Suspended License/ DUI related - a violation of Section 1543(b) of the Pennsylvania vehicle code.By statute, a conviction would call for a mandatory 60 to 90 day prison sentence...
Client Not Guilty of 1543(a)-Avoids 1 Year Suspension
attarney Ryan W. McAllister recently represented a client who had been charged with driving on a suspended license under 75 Pa.C.S.A. 1543(a). Although this section of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code is only a summary offense that typically is punishable by a fine, the...
Client Awarded Credit for Time Served
attarney McAllister recently represented a client who had been sentenced to thirty (30) days in Berks County Prison for driving on a suspended license under 75 Pa.C.S.A. 1543(a). The client came to our office after being previously found guilty and sentenced in a...