Today, I (attarney Dan Nevins) represented a 17 year old young man on allegations of armed Robbery. Under those circumstances, it was considered a "direct file" offense. This means that although the defendant is technically a juvenile, he was prosecuted as though he...
Restoring Hope
Month: May 2011
License Suspension Avoided in Work Zone Speeding Case
Today I (attarney Dan Nevins) represented a client in a district court in Berkscounty PA on a speeding citation in a work zone. My client was charged with operating his vehicle 30mph above the speed limit while in a work zone. Based on Section 3365(c)1-30 of the...
License Suspension Avoided in Work Zone Speeding Case
Today I (attarney Dan Nevins) represented a client in a district court in Berkscounty PA on a speeding citation in a work zone. My client was charged with operating his vehicle 30mph above the speed limit while in a work zone. Based on Section 3365(c)1-30 of the...
License Suspension Avoided in Work Zone Speeding Case
Today I (attarney Dan Nevins) represented a client in a district court in Berks County PA on a speeding citation in a work zone. My client was charged with operating his vehicle 30mph above the speed limit while in a work zone. Based on Section 3365(c)1-30 of the...
Underage Drinking Citation negotiated down to Disorderly Conduct in Berks County Summary Appeal
Today I represented a Kutztown University student charged with violating 18 Pa.CSA Section 6308 - the Underage Drining statute. The penalty for such an offense includes fines and a 6 month driver's license suspension. Additionally, many employers and professional...