One of the biggest points of contention in a divorce can be division of the parties' assets. If no prenuptial agreement has been signed then Pennsylvania law governs how assets are divided. Pennsylvania is an equitable distribution state which means that if the case...
Responsive Representation
Restoring Hope
Attorneys Dedicated To Calming The Crisis
Month: March 2016
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ENM Law News: ARD for DUI and Simple Assault Charges
A recent client came to ENM Law for help with DUI and Simple Assault charges. It is alleged that this client was found asleep at the wheel of his car in the middle of the street and scuffled with police officers when arrested. One of the officers was injured as was...
Spotlight Issue: Division of Assets – Prenuptial Agreements
A prenuptial agreement is a way that couples can address division of assets in case of divorce. These agreements are generally governed by the law of contracts and the validity of prenups is specifically discussed in 23 Pa.C.S. Sec. 3106. A prenuptial agreement is...