Facing DUI charges can be stressful, but various defenses might help you challenge them. The right approach depends on the specific facts of your case. Understanding your options makes a difference in the outcome. Lack of reasonable suspicion for the stop Law...
Restoring Hope
Can you get a DUI for taking prescription drugs?
Many people assume that DUI laws only apply to alcohol. However, in Pennsylvania, you can face charges of driving under the influence while impaired by prescription drugs. Pennsylvania law prohibits operating a vehicle if any substance, including a legally prescribed...
Can a DUI in another state affect your Pennsylvania license?
Getting a DUI in another state can still impact your driving privileges in Pennsylvania. States share information about traffic violations, including DUIs, through agreements like the Driver License Compact. This means a DUI conviction in another state could lead to...
Rebuilding your custody rights after a DUI in Pennsylvania
If you are a first-time DUI offender in Pennsylvania, you might be worried about how this charge could affect your child custody arrangement. While a DUI can complicate matters, it does not automatically mean you will lose custody. As courts prioritize the child's...
How do DUI checkpoints work in Pennsylvania?
DUI checkpoints are a common tool used by law enforcement to deter drunk driving. In Pennsylvania, these checkpoints allow officers to stop vehicles to check for signs of intoxication. It is important for drivers to understand how these checkpoints operate and what...
Is jail time mandatory for a first DUI?
Getting a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) in Pennsylvania is a serious matter. If it's your first time being charged, you might wonder if you have to go to jail. It's important to understand Pennsylvania DUI laws and possible penalties. Understanding Pennsylvania...
Understanding child custody after a DUI in Pennsylvania
If you face a DUI charge you might wonder how it could affect your child custody situation. It’s important to know that courts always prioritize the child's best interests in custody decisions. A DUI doesn’t automatically mean you will lose custody of your child....
The processes for expunging a DUI record in Pennsylvania
Expunging a DUI record in Pennsylvania can offer a fresh start, but first understanding the process and eligibility criteria can be helpful for planning. Eligibility criteria To qualify for DUI expungement in Pennsylvania, you must meet specific criteria. Typically,...
Auto insurance rises almost 90% after a Pennsylvania DUI
A DUI in Pennsylvania can lead to severe consequences. It can involve fines, license suspension and even jail time. A notable impact of a DUI is the rise in auto insurance rates. On average, insurance rates can increase by almost 90% after a DUI, and there are several...
Will a DUI prevent me from becoming a teacher in Pennsylvania?
If you have had a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol, you may be wondering if this criminal record will affect your ability to become a teacher. Because teachers work with children, society holds them to a high standard. However, one past mistake will...