It may seem like a good idea to host a get-together with your teenage child and his or her peers that involves alcohol. After all, if kids are going to party, you would rather they did so under your supervision so you can make sure nobody drives home intoxicated or...
Responsive Representation
Restoring Hope
Attorneys Dedicated To Calming The Crisis
Month: May 2019
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Can I get my ex’s parental rights terminated?
In most cases, those in family law prefer children to have a relationship with both parents after a divorce. However, as we at the law firm of Nevins & McAllister are aware, in some instances one or both parents might not be suited to take care of the children or...
What happens after a DUI arrest?
Getting arrested for DUI is a very serious offense in Reading. Along with the possibility of jail time and license suspension, there are a number of other consequences that can cause equally damaging effects to happen. Very Well Mind explains some of the possible...