Today I (attarney Dan Nevins) represented a client charged with Racing on Highways a violation of Section 3367 of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code for an incident occurring on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. This particular charge carries with it an automatic 6 month suspension of operating privileges if convicted. In addition, he was charged with a violation of section 3353 of the vehicle code – Prohibitions in Specified Places. The allegations were that the motorist was stopping dead on the turnpike and then basically drag racing with another vehicle or vehicles. Based on the specific circumstances and in light of the potential license suspension my client elected to plead not guilty and requested a hearing.
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Prior to the hearing I was able to discuss the matter with the State Trooper who issued the citation. Fortunately for my client, I was able to negotiate a reduction in the charges. In the end rather than facing an automatic 6 month suspension my client received 3 points on his license and a fine of a few hundred dollars total.
If you have received a traffic citation or face a driver’s license suspension in Berks County or Southeastern Pennsylvania you should consult an experienced Traffic attarney. The lawyers at Nevins & McAllister know how to fight your speeding ticket or vehicle code violation and have a proven track record of favorable results. Call us today for a free consultation.