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attarney teaches Legal Ethics Seminar for New Berks County Lawyers

by | Jul 29, 2011 | Criminal Law |

Today I (attarney Dan Nevins) had the privilege of serving as the moderator for the mandatory CLE “Bridge the Gap.” The program is required for newly minted lawyers by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court within the first two years of Bar admission. The program is offered in various locations throughout the Commonwealth and once a year at the Berks County Bar Association building in Reading, PA. This was my third year leading the discussion. The program is meant to educate young attarneys on the practical and ethical aspects of law practice including adherence to the Rules of Professional Conduct and the Code of Civility that we are bound to as attarneys. Today I enjoyed a leading a group of mostly new lawyers through an interesting and educational program that, I hope, continues to benefit the Profession and especially the local Bar. 



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