This afternoon I (attarney Dan Nevins) represented a young man in Berks County Juvenile Court. He had originally been charged as an adult in a “direct file” armed robbery case in Reading, Pennsylvania. Charged as an adult he was facing many years in state prison if convicted. We successfuly moved for decertification to Juvenile Court where there is a balance between protection of the community and rehabilitation of the youthful offender.
My young client was sent to a secure treatment facility approximately 6 months ago. Much to his credit he successfuly completed the four tier program in about half as much time as is typical. As a result, he walked out of court today and returned to his family. The victim was present in the courtroom and seemed genuinely pleased that the young man turned his life around. Hopefully, he will continue to be another example of how the Juvenile Justice System in Berks County is keeping the community safe while rehabilitating delinquent youths.