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Attorneys Dedicated To Calming The Crisis

Client Avoids 1 Year License Suspension

by | Nov 30, 2012 | Uncategorized |

Attorney Ryan W. McAllister represented a client who was charged with driving on a suspended license, 75 Pa.C.S.A. 1543(a), which is a summary traffic offense. Our client was charged with this citation in Berks County, Pennsylvania; she was facing fines and court costs of over $500.00 if convicted as well as a mandatory 1 year additional license suspension through PennDOT. Our client had just graduated from a local college and was beginning the job hunt. Needless to say, a 1 year license suspension would have an extremely detrimental effect on our client’s ability to get and keep a job.

Attorney McAllister had prepared a defense to present to the Judge at the hearing in Berks County District Court. Before the hearing started, though, he approached the officer was had issued the citation and explained our client’s circumstances. Attorney McAllister was able to negotiate a plea agreement with the officer so that our client wouldn’t lose her license for an additional 1 year.

Based on the agreement negotiated by Attorney McAllister, our client saved several hundred dollars in fines and court costs and avoided a 1 year license suspension. Additionally, Attorney McAllister was able to get our client’s license restored from a “suspended” status to a “valid” status.

Needless to say, our client was very happy with the outcome of her case. If you or someone you know has been charged with a traffic citation in Reading, Pa, or Berks County, please contact us right away at 610-372-5128 to setup a free consultation with one of our experienced and dedicated attorneys. We have represented hundreds of clients in Berks County District Court traffic cases, and we have had a lot of success helping clients keep their licenses.



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