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Client “Not Guilty” In Harassment Case

by | Dec 13, 2012 | Uncategorized |

Attorney Ryan W. McAllister recently represented a client charged with Harassment under 18 Pa.C.S.A. 2709 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code. This is an unusual case in that our client was originally found guilty of the Harassment charge at district court in Berks County. However, Attorney McAllister appealed the decision of the district court Judge on behalf of our client. This is known as a “summary appeal”, and the filing of the appeal automatically vacates the guilty verdict and permits the defendant to have a trial “de novo” in the Berks County Court of Common Pleas.

At the higher court, Attorney McAllister was able to secure a “not guilty” verdict in the case. Our client was extremely happy with the outcome since it saved her from having a conviction on her record not to mention hundreds of dollars in fines and court costs.

This case illustrates the importance of having an experience attorney on your side. If our client was representing herself, she might not have had the knowledge or the ability to file an appeal of the original outcome of her case. Instead, filing the appeal made a huge difference in the outcome of her case. If you or someone you know is charged or cited in Reading, Pennsylvania, or Berks County, Pennsylvania, please contact us right away at 610-372-5128. One of our attorneys is always available to discuss your case in more detail.



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