Attorney Dan Nevins secured the dismissal of felony PWI charges this week for a Reading, Pennsylvania client. Attorney Nevins had sought the suppression of evidence that was procured as a result of an illegal search and seizure by Reading Police. Ultimately, the Judge agreed with Counsel’s motion and ordered that all physical evidence be suppressed.
Just this week the Commonwealth conceded that it had no additional evidence to proceed on in a hearing before the trial Judge. Consequently, the Judge granted Attorney Nevins’ oral motion for a writ of habeas corpus and dismissed the criminal action against the defendant.Introduction
The attorneys of Nevins & McAllister have a long track record of successfully protecting the rights of the accused. Based in Reading, Berks County Pennsylvania the law firm of Nevins & McAllister continues to accept new clients charged with all manners of criminal offenses including Felony Drug cases, assault, burglary, robbery, weapons offenses, allegations of sexual assault and homicide. Call ENM Law Firm for all your Berks County legal needs.